My KonMari Journey: How I Decluttered and Organized My Home

My KonMari Journey. Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method has become a popular way to declutter and organize homes. The method involves keeping only items that “spark joy” and discarding the rest. Many people have documented their KonMari journeys, sharing their experiences and results.

My KonMari Journey

One such journey is that of (insert name), who decided to try the KonMari Method after feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in their home. (Name) began by reading Marie Kondo’s book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” and was inspired by the idea of creating a space that was both functional and joyful. They began the process by decluttering their clothes and were amazed by the difference it made in their daily life.

Understanding the KonMari Method

Understanding the KonMari Method

The KonMari Method is a popular approach to tidying up and decluttering one’s home. It was developed by Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant and author of the best-selling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” The KonMari Method is based on the principle of keeping only the items that “spark joy” and discarding the rest.

Philosophy of Tidying

The KonMari Method is not just about decluttering and organizing one’s physical space. It is also a philosophy of tidying that encourages individuals to reflect on their relationship with their possessions and to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the items that they choose to keep. According to Kondo, “The ultimate goal of tidying is to make room for the life you want.”

Categories of Items

The KonMari Method organizes items into five categories: clothing, books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and sentimental items. By sorting items into categories, individuals can tackle their possessions in a systematic and efficient way.

Process of Discarding

The process of discarding is a crucial part of the KonMari Method. Kondo recommends that individuals hold each item in their hands and ask themselves whether it “sparks joy.” If it does, they should keep it. If it does not, they should thank the item for its service and discard it. Kondo also recommends discarding items in one go rather than in small spurts. This allows individuals to see the progress that they have made and to avoid relapsing into clutter.

Overall, the KonMari Method is a popular and effective approach to tidying up and decluttering one’s home. By following the philosophy of tidying, organizing items into categories, and discarding items that do not “spark joy,” individuals can create a more peaceful and harmonious living space.

Preparing for the Journey

Before embarking on the KonMari journey, it is essential to prepare oneself mentally and emotionally. The process of decluttering can be overwhelming, and it is crucial to set realistic goals and plan accordingly.

Setting Goals

The first step in preparing for the KonMari journey is to set realistic goals. One should ask oneself why they want to declutter and what they hope to achieve. This will help in staying motivated throughout the process. It is important to focus on the end result and visualize how one’s life will be better after decluttering.

Scheduling and Planning

Scheduling and planning are crucial to the success of the KonMari journey. One should set aside dedicated time for decluttering and stick to it. It is advisable to start with a small area, such as a closet or a drawer, before moving on to larger spaces. This will help in building momentum and staying motivated.

Creating a checklist of the categories outlined in the KonMari method can be helpful in staying organized and ensuring that nothing is missed. It is also important to have a plan for disposing of unwanted items, whether it is donating, selling, or recycling.

Overall, preparing for the KonMari journey requires a combination of goal-setting, scheduling, and planning. By taking the time to prepare mentally and emotionally, one can set themselves up for success and achieve a clutter-free life.

Executing the Method

After preparing and visualizing the ideal living space, the next step in the KonMari method is executing the method. This involves sorting through items by category, starting with clothing, then books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and lastly, sentimental items.


The first category to tackle is clothing. The KonMari method suggests gathering all clothing items in one place and sorting through them one by one. The goal is to keep only the items that “spark joy” and discard the rest.

To make the process easier, it is recommended to fold clothes in a specific way and store them vertically in drawers. This allows for easy visibility and access to all items.


The next category is books. The KonMari method suggests gathering all books in one place and sorting through them one by one. The goal is to keep only the books that “spark joy” and discard the rest.

For those who have a hard time letting go of books, the method suggests asking oneself if the book has already served its purpose and if it will be read again in the future.


The third category is papers. This includes documents, bills, and other paper items. The KonMari method suggests gathering all papers in one place and sorting through them one by one. The goal is to keep only the papers that are necessary and discard the rest.

To make the process easier, it is recommended to categorize papers into three categories: pending, important, and miscellaneous. Pending papers are those that require action, while important papers are those that need to be kept for reference. Miscellaneous papers are those that do not fit into either category and can be discarded.

Komono (Miscellaneous Items)

The fourth category is komono, which includes miscellaneous items such as kitchenware, electronics, and beauty products. The KonMari method suggests gathering all komono items in one place and sorting through them one by one. The goal is to keep only the items that “spark joy” and discard the rest.

To make the process easier, it is recommended to categorize komono items into subcategories such as kitchenware, electronics, and beauty products. This allows for easier sorting and organization.

Sentimental Items

The final category is sentimental items, which includes items with sentimental value such as photographs and letters. The KonMari method suggests gathering all sentimental items in one place and sorting through them one by one. The goal is to keep only the items that truly “spark joy” and discard the rest.

To make the process easier, it is recommended to categorize sentimental items into subcategories such as photographs, letters, and memorabilia. This allows for easier sorting and organization.

Overall, executing the KonMari method involves sorting through items by category and keeping only the items that “spark joy”. By following the method, individuals can create a clutter-free living space that promotes a sense of calm and happiness.

Challenges and Solutions

Overcoming Procrastination

One of the biggest obstacles people face when starting their KonMari journey is procrastination. It’s easy to put off decluttering and organizing, especially if it seems overwhelming. However, there are several solutions to help overcome procrastination.

First, start small. Instead of tackling an entire room at once, break it down into manageable sections. For example, start with one drawer or one shelf. This will make the task feel less daunting and help build momentum.

Second, set a deadline. This will create a sense of urgency and motivate you to get started. It’s important to be realistic with your deadline and give yourself enough time to complete the task.

Third, enlist the help of a friend or family member. Having someone to hold you accountable and provide support can be a great motivator.

Dealing with Sentimental Items

Another challenge people face during their KonMari journey is dealing with sentimental items. It can be difficult to let go of items that hold emotional value, even if they no longer serve a purpose.

One solution is to take a photo of the item before letting it go. This way, you can still hold onto the memory without cluttering your space.

Another solution is to designate a special place for sentimental items. This could be a memory box or a display shelf. By limiting the amount of space you have for sentimental items, you can prioritize which items are truly important to you.

Maintaining Tidiness

After completing the KonMari process, it’s important to maintain tidiness in your space. This can be a challenge, especially if you have a busy lifestyle.

One solution is to create a daily cleaning routine. This could include tasks such as making the bed, doing the dishes, and putting away items as soon as you’re finished using them. By incorporating these tasks into your daily routine, you can prevent clutter from building up.

Another solution is to practice mindfulness. Before bringing new items into your space, ask yourself if it truly sparks joy and if it serves a purpose. This will help prevent clutter from accumulating in the first place.

Life After Decluttering

After completing the KonMari method, many people experience a personal transformation that goes beyond just decluttering their homes. Here are some common changes people report:

Personal Transformation

  • Increased mindfulness: By focusing on what sparks joy and letting go of what doesn’t, people become more mindful of their possessions and their impact on their lives. This mindfulness often extends to other areas of their lives, such as relationships and work.
  • Improved decision-making: The KonMari method requires people to make decisions about each item they own, which can be a challenging but rewarding process. This practice can improve decision-making skills in other areas of life as well.
  • Greater appreciation for what they have: By surrounding themselves only with items that bring them joy, people often develop a greater appreciation for what they have and are less likely to feel the need to constantly acquire more.

Sustaining a Tidy Home

Maintaining a tidy home after decluttering can be a challenge, but there are some strategies that can help:

  • Regular tidying: Rather than waiting for clutter to accumulate, people who have completed the KonMari method often do a little tidying every day to maintain their tidy homes.
  • Mindful purchases: By being more mindful of what they buy, people can prevent clutter from building up again. The KonMari method encourages people to only buy items that spark joy and to be intentional about what they bring into their homes.
  • Storage solutions: The KonMari method emphasizes finding a place for everything and keeping everything in its place. By investing in storage solutions that work for their needs, people can make it easier to maintain their tidy homes.

Overall, life after decluttering with the KonMari method can be transformative and rewarding. By being more mindful of their possessions and their impact on their lives, people can create a home that truly sparks joy.

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